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 Open since 2022年7月10日 


We promote the charms

of the Nagoya Nakagawa Canal.

Loving the charms of the Nakagawa Unga (Nakagawa Canal) means wanting to discover more about it!

 The Nakagawa Canal is a cityscape that has witnessed the rapid economic growth of the Nagoya region, for which it played a key role as a central water way until the 1960s. Today its charm lies in the unique mix of large warehouses, spontaneous greenery, and residential areas with tiny family businesses still including some old village nests from the area’s pre-industrialization period.

Open since 10 July 2022 

The Nakagawa Unga Gallery creates art, conducts research and offers workshops and fun activities. We talk and learn about the Nakagawa Unga through our exhibitions, city walks, talks and publications.

 By involving those who live here and people from further afield, individuals and local businesses, professionals and hobbyists, we are developing a 'hometown community' together.

 If you want to get involved with the Nakagawa Unga, or generally if you are interested in the topic of 'cityscape': We are looking for friends!

 We are a small community along the old Nakagawa Unga in the heart of the manufacturing region of Nagoya. You can have a look or make something yourself. Stop by, get involved, contribute and help make things better! 

NuGa㉔SNS 20241228 WS www.jpg












1.12㊐ 13:30~ 






申し込みは 調整さんから​(リンク




・13:30-14:00 わらびもち作り 30分

・14:00-14:30  塩釜神社に初詣 30分

・14:30-15:00 おみくじ作り 30分

・15:00-15:30 わらびもち袋詰め+試食タイム 30分

・15:30-15:45 餅まき準備+片付け

・15:45-  屋上から餅まきをする









NuGa㉓ SNS 20241228 1 www.jpg

展示㉓ / exhibition ㉓


自分たちが 住む「まち」について


by 野地 祐里子、デザイナー

‘Machizukuri Ema’

A communication tool for sharing ideas about the ‘town’ where we live

by Designer Yuriko Noji













‘Actually, I want it to be like this’

If you express your thoughts about the town through Ema, you might be able to discover a better vision for the town through your own ideas and insights.

‘Machizukuri (i.e. Town Development) Ema’ aims to create a space where people can casually discuss the town. This exhibition also displays some of the events that have actually taken place.


Talking about

where you live and realising

how you want to live:

‘I wonder if I can say this about my town...’

Talking about your own thoughts and wishes for the town where you live.

Have you ever felt sort of a mental hurdle here for some reason? ‘I don't think I can say this’ or ‘I don't think I've thought about it that much’

These are words that I actually heard when I was conducting interviews about the town where I live. What was interesting about this was that when I told people that it was okay to talk about even the most trivial things, on several occasions they would say ‘there's still more’ and start to talk about the town, and they wouldn't let me leave until I had heard everything they had to say.

At that moment, I suddenly wondered about whether we have the opportunity to talk about the town with someone in a situation where we feel comfortable doing so on a frequent basis. Rather, I wondered whether it is something that we don't even talk about, and whether it is something that is somehow difficult to talk about.

Accumulating experiences of talking about the town where we live in a fun and easy way will lead to a reaffirmation that the people who are the main players in the town are ourselves who live there. In this way, we will be able to imagine a better vision of the town and actually start to see changes. 

I created the ‘Machizukuri Ema’ as a communication tool for this purpose, and held seven events in 2024 as an experiment.

デザイナー / designer

野地 祐里子 (Yuriko Noji)

1998年 名古屋市中川区生まれ。

2022年 愛知県立芸術大学 デザイン専攻卒業、

2024年 同大学院 博士前期課程 デザイン領域 修了。



Born in Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya City in 1998.

Graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music with a major in design in 2022,

and completed the master's programme in design at the same university in 2024.

Received the Nagakute City Mayor's Award for her graduation work, ‘Machizukuri Ema’.

Currently working as a designer in Gifu Prefecture, while also continuing to carry out activities using ‘Machizukuri Ema’.


1.12㊐ ~ 2.23㊐






13:00 ~ 17:00


NuGa㉔SNS 20241228 tenji www.jpg

展示㉔ / exhibition ㉔



by フィリップさん




‘Sketch exhibition of cafes in the Nagoya neighbourhood’

by the Philip san, the president of the Warabimochi Lover's Club, who likes to have breakfast called ‘morning’ at Nagoya's traditional coffee shops. 

Philip will be there on Saturdays and Sundays. Warabimochi will be prepared on a first-come, first-served basis.

On the first day of the exhibition, Philip will be holding a workshop on making warabimochi!

(Warabimochi (蕨餅, warabi-mochi) is a wagashi (Japanese confection) made from warabiko (bracken starch) and covered or dipped in kinako (sweet toasted soybean flour). Kuromitsu syrup is sometimes poured on top before serving as an added sweetener :))







フィリップ さん:




The Charm of Nagoya's Cafes

The cafes of Nagoya are famous not only for their coffee, but also as places to experience the history and culture of this city, where tradition and modernity are fused together. Chain stores like Komeda Coffee and many small cafes are popular.

 In particular, the old cafes are a real gem of Japanese cafe culture. Many of them date back to the Showa period (1926-1989), and they retain the charm of that era, offering a cosy, nostalgic atmosphere with leather sofas and dark wooden furniture. For example, the Coffee Shop Fuji near Nagoya Station has been a popular social gathering place for locals for over 40 years.

 Nagoya's cafes are also famous for their free breakfast service, known as ‘Morning’. This usually includes thick toast with butter or red bean paste, a boiled egg, and sometimes yogurt or salad. This tradition began in the 1950s and is deeply rooted in local culture, and it is still popular today.

 In addition to a classic coffee, many coffee shops also serve traditional drinks like ‘cream soda’, a green soda with vanilla ice cream floating on top, a drink that harks back to the Showa era. Many of these cafes have been family-run for decades, and they place great importance on hospitality and quality.



 ‘I really like the fact that you can get bread and toast with your coffee for the price of a cup of coffee, so I often go there when I have time. Also, when my friends come to Nagoya from far away, I always take them to the morning set at a nearby coffee shop.

Is it because you can sit down that you feel like drawing illustrations in a coffee shop? (I've always felt like drawing illustrations in places where you eat and drink). I started drawing coffee shops in 2021, during the coronavirus pandemic. When I went for breakfast, the regular customers of the shop were chatting and greeting each other happily, and even though I was a stranger, they didn't seem to mind me entering (or maybe they did), and even if I didn't talk to anyone, I felt like I could relax there.

 Also, the interior of the coffee shops is interesting. I think that the real pleasure of going to a coffee shop is being able to enjoy the splendid lighting and sofas that you can't see nowadays, the well-used tables and chairs, the tableware, the various menus, and the tastes and personalities of the shop staff. Even in the short period from 2021 to 2024, some shops have already closed, while others have been taken over by new owners.’

アーティスト / artist

フィリップ(上 菲利普)Philip


・ISEA ARch project 展示 Artport (2002)・淡路島アートセンター企画展 イラスト襖展示 兵庫県立美術館 (2006) ・錦二丁目まちの会所 マスタープラン冊子イラスト (2010) ・名古屋港防潮壁 築地小学校の小学生と共同イラスト (2012) ・つしまアートスケープイラスト展示「アカダクツワラビ」 愛知県津島市 (2020) ・こまきこども未来館 壁面ガラスイラスト制作 (2020)

President of the Warabimochi Lovers' Association. Mainly active in organising Warabimochi events, workshops and performances.

・ISEA ARch project exhibition Artport (2002)・Awajishima Art Centre exhibition, illustration on fusuma sliding doors, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (2006)・Illustration for the master plan booklet for Nishiki 2-chome Machino Kaisho (2010)・Illustration for the Nagoya Port floodwall, in collaboration with elementary school students from Tsukiji Elementary School (2012)・Illustration for the Tsushima Artscape exhibition ‘Akadakutsuwara’ in Tsushima City, Aichi Prefecture (2020)・Glass wall illustration for Komaki Kodomo Mirai Kan (2020)


1.12㊐ ~ 19㊐


12㊐、14㊋ と 17㊎、18㊏、19㊐



11:00 ~ 17:00












1.12㊐ 13:30~ 






申し込みは 調整さんか(リンク ➡︎ )




・13:30-14:00 わらびもち作り 30分

・14:00-14:30  塩釜神社に初詣 30分

・14:30-15:00 おみくじ作り 30分

・15:00-15:30 わらびもち袋詰め+試食タイム 30分

・15:30-15:45 餅まき準備+片付け

・15:45-  屋上から餅まきをする












・チャリチャリ 🚴‍♀️  駐輪場は中川運河ギャラリーの向かい

・🚗 2台分の駐車スペース🅿️ がございます。

・🚈 名鉄名古屋本線   「山王駅」より徒歩5分

・🚈 JR東海道線   「尾頭橋駅」より徒歩分 

・🚌 市バス(栄、名駅系統)「日置橋」より徒歩3分

・徒歩  「堀止/ささしまライブ 」分   🚶🏻‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️     🏃🏻‍♂️

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